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Position:Home>History> What are some important aspects of the Eisenhower presidency?

Question: What are some important aspects of the Eisenhower presidency!?
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Hey, you've got an hour! Go study!
Seriously, that era was a time of relative calm!. The Korean War was over, and the "baby boom" was in full swing as the veterans of WWII began to build their families!.
It was not necessarily a good time for African Americans or women!. Women, after having worked in factories and such during WWII, were sent back home so returning soldiers could resume their jobs!. They were expected to be housewives and mothers!. Think "Leave It to Beaver!." Segregation was rampant in the South!. It was during the Eisenhower administration that the civil rights movement really began!. The USSR launched Sputnik, which really freaked out the United States and began the "space race!." This filtered into the educational system, because it was felt that the US needed to "catch up!."
I would say that this was also the time of the rise of the white middle class!.Www@QuestionHome@Com