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Position:Home>History> Who would have won in an imaginary war between greeks and romans?

Question: Who would have won in an imaginary war between greeks and romans!?
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Since the Greeks were conquered by the Romans, I would have to say the Romans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

By the time the Romans beat Greece, Greece had long since past its peak, and the Roman army was still reaching its own!. You'd have to match say, the army of Marius, with his reforms, against that of the Greek/Macedonian army of Alexander!. In tht case my money is on the Greeks!. The Macedonian phalaynx was more flexible than the older Greek ones, and Alexander utilized his missile and calvary forces much better than any of the other Greeks!. The Roman legions tended to rely on allies for their calvary forces, and this is a weakness that Alexander would have exploited!. But this is about the only time frame in which I could see the Greeks winning!. At any other period they were too rigid and unimaginative in their combat styles, while the Romans were constantly learning from their mistakes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

romans defeated the greeks so its no imagination!. before that the spartans beat the persians and kicked their messengers in the pit and shouted ' this is sparta! 'Www@QuestionHome@Com

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i say the Romans!.!.!.Greeks had brains but no braun!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com