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Position:Home>History> Would the world be any more evil if Hitler had won the second world war.?

Question: Would the world be any more evil if Hitler had won the second world war!.!?
There are still genocidal dictators!. As soon as Hitler went he was replaced in evilness by Stalin!. If he had won would the world really be different!? (he couldn't possible kill all non white people!?!.!. or could he!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I doubt it!. Turns out that most dictators wind up "mellowing" down as they get older; it was seen in Stalin, it is being seen now in Fidel Castro!. Plenty of others as well, but those two are very well known, so they are the only ones I mentioned!.

Most likely Hitler would have done the same!. He would have mellowed down and not been so homocidal!.

That is, of course, provided he survived to become old!. He had a lot of people looking to take him out with a well-placed bullet or explosive!.

And he never would have been able to take over the world!. One of the major problems he had is that he was taking it by force!. Those who were conquered didn't want to be under his rule, they were forced!. Which is why there were so many resistance movements in pretty much every country (including a German resistance movement)!.

Because of that, he needed to leave military platoons in each country to quell resistance!. And no matter how much they did, more resistance fighters would pop up and continue fighting against the German military!.

There simply weren't enough Germans, Austrians, Italians, and/or Japanese soldiers to keep leaving some in each country to keep these resistance movements down; while at the same time keep fighting against countries that had not been taken over yet!. Hitler would never have made it to America, his hands were full just keeping Europe in line, and in fighting a much numerically superior force in the Soviet Union!.

He couldn't win, there was simply too much for any one (or even four) countries to handle!. Hitler wasn't enough to make the world more or less evil than it is now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, the world would have been worse, and not just for the Jews!. For just one example, had Germany conqured the Soviet Union, they planned to keep 50 million people alive to work as slaves, which meant killing over 100 million people!. And this wasn't just Hitler's plan, the German Army was well aware of this and enthusiastically cooperated, helping to account for the huge numbers of civilian deaths in Slavic countries!.
Look at this way!. The Soviets may have been brutal in taking and holding Poland for almost 50 years after the war, but at least under their control, there was still a Poland to eventually regain its freedom!. Had the Germans won, there would have no Poland by about 1950!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well even though everyone sees Hitler as the most evil man ever -- there are actually people who have done far worse things -- ie Stalin killed millions and millions but is not really seen as worse then Hitler!.
Hitler would have 'gone down' as a great leader if the whole ' i kill Jews thing' didn't come up!. He did a lot for Germany - pulling them out of Great Depression!. I can't remember but I don't think he was trying to spread fascism worldwide as Stalin tried to spread communism!. So the results would be fairly local!.
So basically what I'm trying to say is - if he had won -- the world wouldn't be a lot darker - only for the Jews in Germany and perhaps in Europe!. He actually improved standards a lot!.
And some enemy would have shot him in the end for it anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I think Hitler would have eventually realised all of his misdoings and turn into a good person!. I can't even try to be sarcastic about this!. It's insane!.!.!.the evil would have continuted and you'd be asking me this quesion in the kraut language!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

please the world would have still been the world, but without george w bush could we still survive!? almost wish hitler was still here, except for the genocide thing!.
Guess we haven't learned anything from history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read the book "Fatherland" by Robert Harris!. It will open your eyes to a world where Hitler won WW2!. It's not a pretty sight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler said,If Britain was allied with Germany, they would conquer and rule the world!.Now we have been over run and conquerd without even being in a fightWww@QuestionHome@Com

and we wouldn't know unless we had blonde hair and blue eyes!.!.!.!.coz we wouldn't b here 2 tell da taleWww@QuestionHome@Com

we wud have been brainwashed so god knowsWww@QuestionHome@Com