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Position:Home>History> 1940s travel?

Question: 1940s travel!?
How long would it take to travel from New York City, New York to New Orleans, Lousiana in the 1940s, during the Great Depression!?

And how would you travel!? Boat, train, overland, something else!?

Would it matter if you were poor (average), middle class, or rich!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Most likely, you'd take the train!. It's 1300 miles, and I'm guessing a train could do about 40-50 mph, so it would take about 24-30 hours!. Trains travelled all night and here's where the rich were better off--there were sleeping cars where you could get a bunk for the night!. If you couldn't afford that, you could get a private compartment!. The cheapest way to go (apart from hopping a freight) was 3rd class--you'd just get a seat in a coach, like a bus these days!.

And by the way, the Great Depression was the 1930's, not 40's!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The 40s were not during the Great Depression!. In the 1940s you wouldn't go too far in your own car!. Gasoline was being rationed during the war!. If you were poor you didn't travel!. If you were middle class you might take a boat down the Mississippi River or a train!. IF you were rich you were still be rationed on gasoline so you would also have to take the train, but you would have your own bedroom, not just a seat!. They had a name for them but I don't recall it offhand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wrong decade for the Great Depression!. The Great Depression was the 1930s!.Www@QuestionHome@Com