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Position:Home>History> Can someone inform me about the history of masjid Qartba , Andalus, Spain????

Question: Can someone inform me about the history of masjid Qartba , Andalus, Spain!?!?!?!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Great Masjid-e-Qartaba
Location: Cordoba, Spain
Type: Religious/Masjid
Context: Urban
Style: Islamic

Masjid-e-Qartaba is in Spain the large country in South-western Europe occupying the greater part of the Iberian Peninsula and known in Arabic as Al-Andalus!. The great masjid of C’ordoba excels the most exquisite Islamic monument in Spain!. This mosque in Córdoba, Spain, was begun in 786, while the city was the capital of Moorish Spain!.

Students of English literature know the Moors through Shakespeare’s Othello When the Umayyad were supplanted by the Abbasids in 750 and the centre of Islam relocated from Damascus, Syria to Baghdad, Iraq, a Umayyad prince named Abed Al-Rahman I, moved to Spain, where Muslims were already established!. He founded a dynasty with Cordoba as its capital, and the kingdom flourished, lasting for nearly 300 years (756-1031)!.In 929 a restored Umayyad caliphate was set up in Cordoba, in rivalry with the Abbasids in Baghdad: by any standard, Cordoba was the richest, most sophisticated city in Europe The Great Mosque of Cordoba, one of the most magnificent buildings in the whole of Islamic Architecture, was founded by Abed Al-Rahman I in 784!. It followed the customary Arab Architectural plan, a large courtyard with a prayer hall on the south side!. It was substantially enlarged on four subsequent occasions (10th c!. "I" Abed Al-Rahman I; "II" Abed Al-Rahman II; "III" Al-Hakam II; "IV" Al-Mansur), making it today the largest mosque in Islam outside Samarra!. The Qibla wall (nearest Mecca) and the minaret date from the 10th century!. The extensive arcades, which eventually quadrupled in number, amounting to 19, or 18 rows of arches, follow an unusual pattern which was faithfully followed in each successive extension!. Roman columns were used but, as they were not tall enough, rectangular piers were placed on top, supporting a semicircular arch that in turn supports the roof!. Each arch is alternately red brick and white stone, creating, as one looks along the aisles, a striking striped effect!. This is repeated in the complex cusped arches before the central mihrab, a space sometimes called the sanctuary, where stone of two contrasting colors is employed!.

This elaborate and intricate chamber dates from 965 and is almost a separate artwork, unusually large and deep, with introductory trios of three-tiered arches!. Flowing Arabic calligraphy adorning the walls exalted Cordoba: "!.!.!.praise to Allah who led us to this place!.!.!.!." In the dim vastness I hardly noticed the cathedral!. After the Christian Reconquest, Catholics reconsecrated the Mezquita as a church and for 300 years held services there!. Then the clergy persuaded Emperor Charles V to raise a cathedral in its midst, despite strong protests from city leaders!. Later, inspecting the baroque incursion, Charles confessed disappointment: "By installing something that is commonplace, you have destroyed what was once unique!." Although the mosque became a Christian cathedral after the Roman Catholics of Spain captured Córdoba in 1236, the building retains its Islamic heritage!. The decoration here is at its richest, basically floral with inscriptions from the Qur'an in carved plaster, marble and glass & gold mosaic!. The vaults whose intersecting ribbed arches support the domes are so complicated they will challenge your eye & brain!. Cordoba's pride today is its venerable Mezquita, or mosque, which in 1986 celebrated its 1,200th anniversary The students of Urdu literature also popularly know Qartaba!. Allama Iqbal had visited Tariq’s famous mosque at Cordova and had offered prayers in it!. That visit had made him emotional and he composed the famous poem Masjid-e-Qartaba in which he spoke of the glorious history of Islamic conquests and the spread of Islamic civilization!. Allama Iqbal was no doubt the last person who offered prayer their and also Azzan their!. Many years before him and after him no one offered prayer their!. The prayer part is closed for prayer and open for tourist and visitors!. In last we say that masjid-e-Qartaba is no doubt a great masjid which retains its Islamic heritage!. And it remains us the glorious period of Muslims in Spain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com