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Position:Home>History> What would the world be like with the British Empire still around?

Question: What would the world be like with the British Empire still around!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Pretty similar to now!. Apartheid may not have happend!. The only way India could have stayed in the Empire is if Indians were allowed to play an equal part in the Empire, something which many Indian supporters of the Empire wanted, like Ghandi in his earlier life!. There were several attempts to create a Federal Empire, although this was abandoned after the first world war!. Maybe Sterling would still be the world currency instead of Dollars, something which changed after WW 2, one of the conditions of the US loan to Britain!. Britain would probably not be in the EU, focusing on it's partners in Africa, N!. America, Asia and Australia!. The Cold war would have been between the Empire, with the US and western europe as allies, and the Soiviet Union!. This would mean Nuclear missiles in India, with central asia and persia being a massive theatre in this conflict!. One of the major differances would be the situation in the Middle east!. Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Sudan, Yeman, Oman etc!.!. were all members of the Empire!. Perhaps there would have never been a Jewish state, since this was created by Jewish terrorists with US support!. The British backed a state shared by Jews, Arabs and Christians!. If the Middle east was part of a Federal Empire, an Arab calliphate may have occured, possibly a secular one!. Maybe Starbucks would serve Tea and Cake instead of coffee!. This is all, of course, conjecture, and we will never know!. Fun thinking about it though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think less advancements in technology!. With competition everyone benefits!. Take that away and stagnation prevails!.
also, more people would speak with that lovely accent!
I wish I had a Birtish accent, but was still American!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe much different than today!. India under British rule was actually fairly similar to todays India, just without the aristocratic upper class of British!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Safer, better, and an all round nicer place to live!.
!.!.!.Conjecture!.!.!.!. but good question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Can you imagine Gordon Brown in the White House as President!. Don't think soWww@QuestionHome@Com
