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Position:Home>History> When was language invented?

Question: When was language invented!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nobody knows for sure!. It's important to note here that language, of a sort, can be seen within non-human species, and the more intelligent the species, the more complex the language!. Dolphins and whales, for example, have complex (and often beautiful) languages!. As soon as humans emerged as a distinct species, we were communicating!. Probably through gestures and grunts, at first!. Gradually, as evolution changed them, these early hominids developed more powerful language cortexes in the brain, and more subtle physical abilities to use sound to paint abstract pictures!. By the time of the Neanderthals, it's clear that language had evolved significantly!. We don't know if they could "Talk" to each other, but the fact that they could paint complex, accurate representations of their world is certainly a form of language!. Moreover, the fact that they also seem to have painted rather abstract symbols, as well, indicates the ability to communicate abstract ideas!.

The reason why it's impossible to accurately date linguistic development is because writing, as a form of symbolic communication certainly didn't develop for some time after spoken communication did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com