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Position:Home>History> What was the flag that they used during Julius Caesar's era?

Question: What was the flag that they used during Julius Caesar's era!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There was no flag during Caesar's time, the Romans used standards!. These were carried by the legions of Rome they were eagles, hands and so on!. One symbol was a bundle of sticks tied together with a double headed ax coming out of the top!. This was the sign of power, the power to judge and execute was known as a fasces it is where the term Fascist comes from!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The didn't use flags so much!. The big symbols they loved were statues of golden eagles on a long pole!. Each legion (5000 men)had one!. Smaller army units used other symbols like a hand on a pole, or other similar symbols to show the troops where to march etc!. Each pole would have circular discs to show the battles the unit had fought in, kind od like unit citations!.

The other big symbol was a rod-it was the sign of the Senate's authority, which a commander would carry (about the same size and shape as a relay baton)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com