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Position:Home>History> Eurpean slave trade!! help!?

Question: Eurpean slave trade!! help!!?
What did the Europeans have to gain from the slave trade and slavery!?
The Europeans gained from the slave trade and slavery because!.!.!.
2!.) How do you think Africans and African societies were affected by contact with the Europeans and by the trade in particular!?
THanks alot guys
also, these questions are refering to like 1400 - 1900 or a time period in there
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Europeans were in the slave trade to make money by capturing and selling slaves throughout Europe and later in America!.
African societies were negatively affected by European slavers!. Some tribes helped the Europeans to catch people of other tribes and nations which bred enmity between the different groups!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

European Gained
Slave labor exports from the Americas Tropical food, Cotton and other goods!.

Economy growth
A workforce made the raw materials which were sold in Africa for slaves Guns Alcahol Ships etc
The same workforce with their wages bought the goods from the Americas
Europe taxed their colonies in the Americas including slavery!.

African communities in areas affected had their communities living in remote places, ie mountains, forests!. Many towns became ghost towns!. Families vanished or ended (All children kidnapped)!. Population didnt grow and in some places went down!. Conflicts became common and relationships between different ethnic groups fell apart!.
Economy collapsed only the Kidnappers & chiefs gained from the trade populations only lost!. Generations vanished most the young men and women!. History was not passed down and lost Life became hell in those regions no progression reason why many parts in those regions of Africa are still resembling the 18th century!. Africa being three times the size of Europe but Africas population only reached the same as Europes in 1997Www@QuestionHome@Com