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Position:Home>History> What is the history of the Sudeten German territory?

Question: What is the history of the Sudeten German territory!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You really need to find a reputable history website to give you the details!. The Sudetenland has switched back and forth between Germany and France at least three times that I know of just in the last 100 years!.
Try HistoryChannel!.com or even Google Sudetenland and go from there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your first responder is thinking of the east rhine areas of
Alsace and Larraine frequently disputed by France and Germany!.
The Sudateland is a region located on the slopes of the Sudetes Mountains!. The treaties of Versailles and St!. Germain gave this area to Czechoslovakia in 1919!. In 1938
the Munich agreement returned this and other territories in Czech!. to Germany!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the Sudetenland was made up of a huge german majority population!. Germany used this as an excuse to allow occupation of the Sudetenland - Britain and France saw the T!. of V!. as unfair and the reasoning reasonable - at the Munich conference they appeased Hitler and allowed his actions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com