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Position:Home>History> Why did the America help the Jews in the holocaust??

Question: Why did the America help the Jews in the holocaust!?!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The American government did very little to help the Jews during most of World War II!. The U!.S!. could have allowed more Jewish refugees into this country during or before the war, but they didn't do so!. Higher ups in the state department who were prejudiced against Jews actually lowered the number of Jews allowed into this country at that time as well as putting up all but impossible barriers for them to immigrate here!. Roosevelt knew about the death camps early in the war but didn't do anything to help the Jews until 1944!. He was worried about the anti-Semitism in this country and that he might not get reelected!. There were calls for the U!.S!. to bomb Auschwitz or the other concentration camps but Roosevelt decided against it!. Ironically, during the deportation of Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz in 1944, a U!.S!. plane accidentally dropped some bombs on Hungary!. The Hungarian government - thinking they were being bombed because they let the Germans deport Jews - suddenly stopped the deportations, eventually saving thousands of Jewish lives!. The U!.S!. sponsored American diplomat Varian Fry who went over to France for the specific duty of rescuing world-famous Jews and he was successful at his job!. But as for the rest of the Jews, not much was done until 1944 when - under pressure to help refugees - Roosevelt created the so-called War Refugee Board which aided in the rescue of some 200,000 Jews thru safe havens, evacuation, and supplies to the victims!. By that time most of the Jews of Europe were already dead!. Just think how many lives might have been saved if Roosevelt had acted in 1941 or 1942!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are all liers and idiots!. The Hollocaust did not begin until
after the start of the war and their was nothing anyone outside
of Germany could have done to stop or curtail it!. If you do not
know the history of this tribulation you should not open up your
ignorrant mouth!.
I would be happy to explain the development of the 'final solution' to any of you who actually want the truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The U!.S!. government did nothing to help the Jews during the Holocaust!. There were a great many individual people, in several countries, who helped Jews during that time!. Some of them died for doing it!. Individual governments just let it happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

America did help them indeed and that's why it was one of the two countries Jews mostly immigrated to after the war, the other being Palestine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The US has long been blamed for not doing more to stop the Holocaust!. Their answer has always been,"Hey, we won the @!#^%$ war, didn't we!? What more could you want!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com