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Position:Home>History> During World War 2, Which countries took Jews and Which did not? And what else c

Question: During World War 2, Which countries took Jews and Which did not!? And what else can I write in my Essay!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As has been said, the USA would not! The British held Palestine, armed the Palestinians and refused to allow boatloads of Jewish refugees from landing in Palestine!! Several boats sunk, drowning the refugees!! Finally in 1947, the British left, leaving the Palestinians to slaughter the jews!. BUT the world Jewish population sent aid and suport! And they were able to finally declare their Independence by winning the War of Independence by themselves, in 1948!. Jewish men and women fought side by side for their survival! It was a shameful time in history for the Western world!!! I think there was a lot of prejudice about the Jewish people all over the world at that time!. I think the Western world just turned their backs and a blind eye to Hitler's holocaust! UNTIL, Hitler started attacking Poland and other countries around! Then, the "Free World" say Hitler as a threat to them, and pitched in to defeat the Nazis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suggest you go to the library and get some books on that topic!.It's really interseting!.America refused to take Jews!.A whole ship full of Jews was refused in America and sent back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe if you listened in class you'd knowWww@QuestionHome@Com