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Position:Home>History> Which would you be?

Question: Which would you be!?
would you rather be a patriot or a loyalist!? tell me and explain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's morally wrong to suppress a people, especially when they are being taxed too much!. Now, I know that the person who decided to raise the taxes thought it be the best way to pay for things and not upset the colonies, but still!.!.!. Besides, rebels have more fun!. Ok, not a real reason!.

Now, it's a a plus that I believe in democracy vs!. monarchy!. If someone is to rule a country, they need to listen to the people they are ruling!. Some monarchs did that, but the problem was that if a people stopped liking the ruler, the only way to get them off the throne is to overthrow the government or force them to change!. Neither of which is easy!.

So, there are other reasons, but they're pretty lame, so I'll leave it there!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd just go with the flow!. Keep my head down and hope the revolution didn't cause too much disruption to my life, so if I was in the south, I'd probably be a loyalist, if I was in the north, I'd be a patriot!. Whoever I "supported" I'd be willing to switch allegience as required!.

I'm just a little guy, if it doesn't really affect my life one way or the other thats the line I'd take-as did most people in the war!.
The young, the hot heads, the people who listened to the propagandists would sign up with the millitias!.

However, if I had the chance to join the Queen's Legion, SIGN ME UP! Gotta love Bannister Tarleton! Cool green uniforms too! God Save the King!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A Loyal Patriot, you just got to Love your Country, and defend it to the Hilt, from all, (Potential), invaders!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

patriot, support the country i was born inWww@QuestionHome@Com