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Position:Home>History> Did Anne Boleyn have eyelids? i heard she did not?

Question: Did Anne Boleyn have eyelids!? i heard she did not!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes she did!. Anne Boleyn was also rumoured to have an extra finger but this was part of a plot to make the Protestant Queen look like a witch or the devil's mate!. Henry actually used the witchcraft excuse to get rid of her he said witchcraft seduced him into the marriage and God punished him by not giving him a male heir with her!.

Check out her portraits she is painted with eyelids



Edit: contemporaries of Anne were quick to point out her flaws, which included a sixth finger and various moles, and a goitre on her neck (very likely false, as the king wouldn't have gone for a "defective" female to bear his children)!. If she'd had no eyelids, much would have been made of it; instead, most agree that her best features were her dark, expressive eyes!. And, as others pointed out, you have to have eyelids!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You may have been thinking eye brows !? not much

You heard wrong!. Everyone has eyelids - if they didn't their eyes would dry out and they would be blinded!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone has eyelids!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes of course she had eyelids!.Www@QuestionHome@Com