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Position:Home>History> Did Irish monks influence Italian Renaissance?

Question: Did Irish monks influence Italian Renaissance!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes some would say they did to a degree!. They had carried on copying out ancient texts and through them many ancient texts that became part of the Italian Renaissance were rediscovered!.

Some critize this approach because the Byzantine empire preserved many more ancient works and the Arab world had carried on working and copying ancient works such as Aristotle!. The Arab university of Cordoba is said to have been a major influence in the Italian renaissance!.

One of the most important humanist of the Italian Renaissance, Poggio Bracciolini mostly rediscovered important ancient texts in German and French monasteries not Irish!.

I would say that the fall on Constantinople was a major influence and that it was not just Irish monks who had preserved texts but the work of Irish monks did definitely influence the early Renaissance somewhat because of their preservation of ancient manuscripts through centuries of copying them out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
