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Position:Home>History> Who was Hendrik Biebouw?

Question: Who was Hendrik Biebouw!?
I know that he is an Afrikaner!. I was wondering if you Yahoo anwserers, know anymore information about him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The first person on record as referring to himself as an "Afrikaner" was Hendrik Biebouw, who, in March 1707, stated that he was an Afrikaner and did not want to leave Africa!. Biebouw meant by this claim to resist his expulsion from the Cape Colony, as ordered by the magistrate of Stellenbosch!. The term is intended to indicate a first loyalty and a sense of belonging to the territory of modern South Africa, rather than to any ancestral homeland in Europe!. In that regard its usage is similar to the term American, Canadian, Australian etc!. when applied to the European descended populations of those countries!.Www@QuestionHome@Com