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Position:Home>History> Great depression questions?

Question: Great depression questions!?
1!. How did the depression affect the behavior and outlook of Americans who struggled through theose hard times!?

2!. Why did Hoover oppose direct federal relief to the needy!?

3!. What major policy changes did Franklin Roosevelt propose during the1932 presidental campaign!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Those that were effected by the depression were immensley grateful for the WPA programs that had been initiated!. They also learned not to waste anything, grow their own food and preserve the food that they grew by canning, hunt not for sport but because of necessity!. They appreciated what they had regardless of how little that might seem to us today!.

2!. But President Herbert Hoover would not budge!. Seeing recovery "just around the corner," he steadfastly opposed direct federal aid of relief efforts!. Herbert Hoover, was a Republican, and Republicans believed in a 'laissez-faire' policy!. This meant that the Republicans would not interfere in industry or business, as he believed that non-interference brought prosperity!. Therefore, he did little for welfare and relief to the poor and unemployed!.

3!. Roosevelt however, promised action in the shape of 'a New Deal for the American people'!. This included jobs and relief to the needy!. The speech shows Roosevelt's determination to nullify the effects of the Depression
with his New Deal!. At such desperate times, the American people would accept anything promised to them, so they backed Roosevelt rather than the 'do-nothing' President Hoover!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Franklin Roosevelt was the creator of a welfare state, it was a patch job at best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com