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Position:Home>History> Why did the twin towers collapse like they had been rigged with TNT?

Question: Why did the twin towers collapse like they had been rigged with TNT!?
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It was because explosive devices were placed in the walls of the buildings that they fell to the ground in the manner that they did!. I have heard all the theroies about the melting point of steel!. it doesn't really matter that there wasn't enough heat generated by the fuel!. Most of the fuel was burnt off on impact!. There is not other reason that the buildings fell in that way other than foul play!. It's not possible in the world of engineering or physics to make a building collapse that way!. I don't care what anyone says!. Oh and by the way, just because we express these opinions, doesn't mean we don't love our country any less!. In fact we love it more because we are willing to question the lies that are painted by the US Goverment!. We don't just follow like sheep!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OK after reading several other responses all I have to say is people are dumb!.

The reasons the WTCs collasped downward and not to the side is because of a flaw in their design!. The WTC's were designed to maximize office space sadly!. The places Columns on the exterior wall and in a center core!. Picture a square with a smaller square within it equal distant from all sides!. When buildings are designed the structural columns are designed to hold the weight of the floor above them!. This load is then transfered down to the lower floors and the columns on the bottom floor are larger than the top because of the added weight!. also the fireproofing that was used on the columns and supports was a spray-on type that can withstand open flames, but not an explosion!.

Given this information here is how the events of 9/11 transpired into the doom of the WTC towers!. When the planes hit the towers they didn't take out one floor of columns they took out several floors on the exterior!. They also penetrated deep enough that they struck the columns of the interior core!. When the planes exploded as evident by the massive fire ball, the spray insulation blew off the structural members!. As a previous poster mentioned that steel melts at an extremely high temp, however this is the point when it turns to liquid!. The temperature at which steel begins to weakin and lose its strength is consideribly lower about 1200 degrees!. Given the loss of several columns and the inevitable fire, the structural steel was starting to weaken!. Eventually a group of cloums subdued to the added stress and failed, once this happened it was a chain reaction causing the floors to pancake down and cause the demolition style collapse of the building!.

To all you people you say this is a conspiracy, shut up and show some respect for those that have parrished because of this tragic day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Alquida perfectly planned this!. They knew that the structure beems in the twin towers if heated would greatly weaken!. When they smashed there plannes into the tower it sent off a great fire ball right!. Well that fire raged inside the tower weakening the structure thus forcing the pressure on top of it to collapse the beems making an almost like TNT explosion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

simple - the towers fell at the time that an object in free fall would have fallen!. This is proof that the towers fell because of the explosives that had been planted in them!. In the history of the world no skyscraper had ever burned down until then!. also the jet fuel can burn at no hotter then 1100 degrees !. The melting point of untreated steel is 1600 degrees, and the twin towers were made from steel that had went through a process that could withstand a temperature of 3000 degrees before it melted!. All the steel was scrapped and shipped overseas before a single test could be made on the steel!. There are two points that I am making here- one is the fact that the towers were destroyed by explosives and two is the fact that the government had to be involved!. Let no one try and tell you differently!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because when a building is rigged for demolition, they do not place TNT throughout the whole building!. TNT use is minimized to make the building collapse on its own weight!.

The twin towers' interior structure suffered so much damage that the shear weight of the floors above that point caused the building to fall down on top of itself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its because people are stupid!. Retarded nerds who have no life but spend time watching You-Tube videos of the Twin Tower collapsing to notice the mini explosion at the base of the tower as it was collapsing!. They then decide to come up with this conclusion and start spreading rumors about it!.

Its common logic!. The Twin collapsed by floors and all of the force are pushing down!. They have to come out somewhere you know!. And use your f***en head! You know how long it would take to rig two 1300 ft 110 floored building with explosive!?

Expert can counter every single conspiracy theory from the missile-like hole in the pentagon to the fake phone calls made on the flight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When Iron heats it buckles and bends inwards!. The Support beams of the twin towers were made of Iron!. Since Jet Fuel reaches well over 400 degrees when its on fire it would cause the beams to buckle which would shift the buildings interiors!. Once that happened it was only a matter of time before it would cave inwards making it seem like it was blasted with TNT!.

Interesting question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because the planes hit high enough that when the structure collapsed and fell on the lower levels bringing them down too, it fell nearly straight down as the upper part (above the planes) which was leaning as it fell was not big and heavy enough to unbalance the rest of the falling tower in the short time it had!.

That is indeed the result explosive experts look for, and even they in the best of time get it wrong without planes hitting the buildings and destroying all their hours and hours of calculation and careful planning by bringing tons of metal and burning fuel in the equation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What would happen to you if someone threw a brick into your midsection!? You would fold over!. Same as with the Twin Towers!. You think the the jets didn't explode on impact after going into the towers!? What and how do you account for the jets and the people who died on them!? Who knows!? Maybe there were other explosives in briefcases with the terrorists!. They are known to use bomb devices!. There was such a hole caused by a jet flying into each tower that it collapsed!. The explosions from the jet fuel caused damaged to both towers and damaged other surrounding buildings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The WTC towers collapsed after enduring the flames from burning jet fuel and the compressive effects from the explosion of large fuel-air bombs (the passenger airliners which were used as guided missiles)!.
It is remarkable that the buildings stood as long as they did under such circumstances!.
There was no "inside job", no deals with AlQaida, no TNT, no controlled demolition!.
There was only loaded passenger airliners crashed into the buildings with the resultant destruction and death!.

If you want _real_ conspiracy, look into how Freon 12 and other CFCs were banned just as the patents on Freon were about to expire!. After you have done that, notice how the _rest_ of the world is free to use Freon12 and we are stuck with inferior refrigerants!.

Look into how the oil companies are posting multi-tens of BILLION dollar profits PER QUARTER while saying that there is a fuel shortage!. After you have done that, look at how much oil there really is right here in the U!.S!.A!. but we are not allowed to get it!.

Look at how we cannot drill oil in the Gulf of Mexico, but China can!. Japan can!. We can't and it's OUR OIL!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not TNT - there are many a conspiracy theory out there - most hvae been disproved!.!.!. the way in which the towers collapsed and why they collapsed in such a controlled manor is still a hotly topical debate!. Have a look on google, there too much to write hereWww@QuestionHome@Com

They got ht with 2 planes within 10 minutes!. The structure and stability was sacrificed!. Thus gravity made the building fall!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

are you retarded!? 2 planes got highjacked and they hit the twin towers and that is why we are at war!. dee dee dee YOUR RETARDED!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

TNT!? Are you kidding!? TNT is nothing in the face of two massive airliners with tanks nearly full of jet fuel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They collapsed like they'd been hit by planes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when you take a heavy, evenly weighted object, and add gravity, it falls straight down!. what else do you expectWww@QuestionHome@Com

because they had a plane inside themWww@QuestionHome@Com

TNT, C4, Any other explosive, we dont care, but the fact remains!. The twin towers were brought down by detonating the explosives Americans themselves had put in, just to find a reason to invade Iraq for the petrol!.

The fact that they've found melted aluminium alloys (which melt at way higher degrees than the aluminium melting point, which is 2792K = 660 oC) means that the collapse was caused by something else, apparently something that could generate such heat, like explosives, and not the plane crash, not even the burning of kerosene could melt the metal

so it was some other thing, that was already on the building!.!.!. Many other clues, like nearby land owners buying terrorist-attack insurance 2 days before the "attack", lead us to the conclusion that all this was a giant "set up", just to engineer an alibi for the attack!. "A direct hit on terrorism", G!. W!. Bush said they've achieved, when they invaded Iraq!.

And what upsets me the most is that american people still see the death of soldiers as a way of "freeing" the world, and still believe in Osama Bin Laden, just a single brought-in-the-scene person to cumulate all the hate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because 9/11 was a deal made between Bush, Clinton, Bin Ladden, and several others over huge revenues in oil money!.

Bin Ladden provided the planes, they provided the real reason the towers collapsed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because it was i dont want to get into detail but i was watching a specal and it showed the second towers fall without contact and the first one fell like !.12 seconds before the plane hit itWww@QuestionHome@Com

because it was a controlled demolition, thats why

in my honest opinion, governments are so corrupt! you dont know what goes on closed doors, but i know they only say what we like to hear! swines the lot of them!Www@QuestionHome@Com