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Position:Home>History> History question about Athens?

Question: History question about Athens!?
What was the Athens greatest and most enduring achievements!? also what led to the downfall of classical Athens!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The greatest achievement that the ppl in athens acheived were they created some of the most greastest literature and drama, Democracy was created by the athenians (not the romans) and they gave us the olympics which started in athens!. these are some of the achievements!. check this website out for more: http://www!.echeat!.com/essay!.php!?t=29972

what lead to the downfall of athens i cant rememba n 2 tired 2 research y dont u look it up urself its easy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the creation of democracy is their greatest achievement, even though it was only democracy for a limited few, it was a start!.

also they created the first theatres, and the first plays!.

The Greeks in general were sports-mad, and invented competitive sport, which you may or may not consider an achievement depending on how you feel about sport!.

The influence of Athens declined in the 2nd century when the hellenisitc world produced new centres of culture, and declined further when they were conquered by Rome!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try the likes of www!.athensinfoguide/history!.htm or wikipediaWww@QuestionHome@Com