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Position:Home>History> Can u spell this polish city for me?

Question: Can u spell this polish city for me!?
it sounds like kashuv (but prob isnt written like that)!. it was a boundary/border city between hungary and Czechoslovakia during WWII!. i dont know if it still exists today, tho thats not the point!.

also!.!.!. i once googled "polish cities pronunciation" and came up with the most amazing site!. it organized cities by letter and each letter also had an audio file where a poilsh guy pronounced each city twice!. it was totally awesome and super helpful, i bookmarked it but my comp crashed so i got a new one and i lost the site!. now whenever i google it it doesnt come up!. if anyone knows what im talking about tell me the site pls!!

xoxo thx for ur help guys!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
possibly what your looking for!? at the bottom of the pageWww@QuestionHome@Com

Cracow!? now spelled KrakowWww@QuestionHome@Com