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Position:Home>History> Do you believe really that Hitler killed 6 million jews???????????

Question: Do you believe really that Hitler killed 6 million jews!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
the number of Jews right now is 12 million , so how could Hitler do that during the global wars , maybe the number of Jews around the world in that time was less than 5 million!.

so what do you think , maybe the number is not accurate , or what!?!?!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i love all these power full self assured!! answers of YES HE DID!! ha ha!.in truth its a question know! one has the answer to!. there were so many lies from the British government 'that have only recently come to light !! that you would be forgiven for thinking one of Tony Blairs relatives was head of ministry for information!. for instance the belief that Hitler started the bombing of civilians!. we now know that under Churchills orders the RAF were secretly provoking Hitler by bombing civilians in Germany for months !! before he finaly retaliated!. we also know that churchill sent Hitler personal messages goading him and provoking him with insults!. and the latest one to serface is that the decission to blockade poland and thus starving countless thousands to death!! was also a deliberate and callousely calculated decision made by the British government under protest!! from around the world!. (((yes))WE DELIBERATELY CAUSED THOUSANDS OF POLISH PEOPLE TO STARVE TO DEATH!!!.!.!.in years to come people are in for a lot of shocks!. but of course all the people who were involved in the slaughter will be long dead!. and none of it will provoke much more than a raised eyebrow!. the trouble is though, its a debate you cannot have 'in any true sense of the word' because most people have the story so deeply embedded in their souls, that their minds as well as their ears automaticly close!. even though the jews them selves given a free run, have slaughtered and land grabbed their way through easily!! that amount of Palastinians by now!. not counting the other doubt full conflicts since 1948 'and still counting'!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. the Holocaust is so deeply embeded into every European from the time they are first concieved to the time they die!! that the jews have been stealing land that doesnt belong to them and slaughtering all who get in their way now for 59 years flat!!! and no one condems it!. every one excepts that they have the right!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. so!! did Hitler kill that many Jews!.!.!.!.i personaly doubt it was any where near that figure!.!.!.!.but then killing just one! innocent person is completely un exceptable and the biggest crime against humanity!. any way!! no one can give you an answer my friend!. history is allways written by the victor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have always understood that the number was six million Jews, five million Slavs, and several hundred thousand others comprising gypsies, homosexuals, communists, Jehovah's Witnesses, anyone physically or mentally handicapped, and anyone else the Nazis didn't like the look of!.

Remember also that there were a lot of Jews who were not in Europe at that time, there were a great many in America for instance, some in Britain, and some in Palestine, who would not have been victims of the Holocaust!. You would have to take those into account in calculating the numbers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your question is full of bad mathematics and contrary assumptions!.

Please read carefully -- Germany, under Hitler and his cronies, killed or starved over 10 million people, including men, women, children; some were Poles, some were Serbs, some were gypsies, but the majority were Jews from Germany, France, Holland, Poland, etc!. !.!.!.all over Europe!.

The world did not believe any group of human beings were capable of such atrocities, even though Stalin had starved so many millions of his own people during the thirties!. No one raised a hand to prevent it, or to try to rescue Jews from Europe before the holocaust!. After the war, not many wanted to allow the survivors in camps to travel to Palestine to take over land there!.

You must be capable of understanding how the survivors of the holocaust felt about their situation!. They were willing to adopt to their situation and use force, as needed, to acquire the land in Palestine they could turn into a nation for themselves where they could begin to protect themselves from future holocausts!. Yes, Palestine natives were not treated fairly -- they were even treated murderously at times -- but Jews felt they absolutely had to have a nation with world-wide recognition!.

The sins of the past are not forgotten, but it is time for everyone in the levant to work together to establish peace and prosperity for everyone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Before WWII, the Jewish population of Europe was about 9 million!. And afterward, it was about 3 million!. Six million is an estimated number that is accurate in the sense of estimation!.

However, for one to say that "only 300,000 Jews were killed during the Holocaust" is most definitely a denier statement - because how does a population go from 9 to 3 million with only 300,000 dead!? It's a sham!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Nazis exterminated anyone who did not measure up to their "Aryan" ideaI!.
I don't know where you got your statistics, but as of 2001 but there were 11,000,000 Jews in the US and Israel combined!. Considering there are at least 10 other countries with a significant Jewish population, there are many more than 12,000,000 Jews worldwide!.
The Nazis kept very detailed records of the number of homosexuals, Gypsies, political prisoners, mentally and physically handicapped, religious groups they considered to be inferior, and Jews that they exterminated in their death camps!. They also kept scrupulous records of the medical experiments perpetrated on these people, too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Correct!. Maybe the number was not accurate!. I am sure they killed more than 6 million!.

Difficult keep count with so many killings, plus killing Russians, Poles, and many others

If now there are only 12 million Jews, that means that Adolf and his merry men killed more than 6 millionWww@QuestionHome@Com

One person murdered because of an accident of birth is one person too many!. Does it matter if it is 6 million or 6!? It is still a brother gone, a mother childless, a wife bereft, a child orphaned!.

And it is 6million!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

IN ALL, hitler kileld 12 million people!.

6 million of those were Jews!.

"To forget a holocaust is to let it happen twice"Www@QuestionHome@Com

yea there were homosexuals,gypsies, undesirables, etcWww@QuestionHome@Com

It sounds like you have either too tight of a grip on your Koran, or your Swastika!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

was it not 6 million in total, inlcuding disableds and homosexuals!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah i agree with him ^^^^^

he killed 6 million totalWww@QuestionHome@Com

he is why there is only 12 mill of them now!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com