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Position:Home>History> Historically, which former colony fits the Israeli colony example?

Question: Historically, which former colony fits the Israeli colony example!?
Is it: South Africa, East teamor, Algeria!. all were former colonies where they had natives VS!. colonists!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Israeli genocide against the Palestinians is most like German genocide against the Jews!.

Kind of like an abused child that goes on to abuse children later in life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

None of them, because Israel was not a colony!. The UK was mandated the area by the League of Nations until such a time as it could be self-governing!.

No, the other colonies were not mandated to Britain by the League of Nations - check your history

The land now making up the nation of Isreal was a British colony until the 1940's!. The British left and the Jews took over after a brief war with the palestinians and surrounding countries!. Genocide is the deliberate attempt to extinguish a group of people based on religion or ethnicity!. Although many palestinians have tragically been killed it hasn't been the deliberate attempt to wipe them out that would constitute genocideWww@QuestionHome@Com

None it is diferent in that!.WW 2 was so brutal the UN gave the Jews someone else country!Www@QuestionHome@Com