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Position:Home>History> Napoleon I of France a leader?

Question: Napoleon I of France a leader!?
What ways were Napoleon I of France a great leader, thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Napoleon Bonaparte was a great leader because he was a good speaker for pep talk!.

Of course, Bonaparte was anything but pure, anything but modest, anything but democratic, and anything but a peacemaker!. But in the end, who else that sat on a throne in Europe could claim to be!? Should he be assailed for sins that were so sadly common!? What is it about Napoleon Bonaparte that makes him the object of such unique criticism!? Is it because he holds a special place in our imaginations, a place that we hope would be an example of our better selves!? Was his genius, good fortune, and opportunity enough to condemn him, not so much for what he did, but what he failed to do!? In the end is our greatest disappointment in Bonaparte simply that he was merely human!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well he was the first antichrist in Nostradamus' predictions,Www@QuestionHome@Com