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Position:Home>History> Was Homosexuality in Canada ever against the law?

Question: Was Homosexuality in Canada ever against the law!?
if so, when was it decriminalized!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Contrary to the above post:

Not being gay per se, but male gay sex was!.

Before 1859, Canada relied on British law to prosecute sodomy!. In 1859, Canada repatriated its buggery law in the Consolidated Statutes of Canada as an offense punishable by death!. Buggery remained punishable by death until 1869!.

A broader law targeting all homosexual male sexual activity ("gross indecency") was passed in 1892, as part of a larger update to the criminal law!. Changes to the criminal code in 1948 and 1961 were used to brand gay men as "criminal sexual psychopaths" and "dangerous sexual offenders!." These labels provided for indeterminate prison sentences!.

Canadian law now permits anal sex by consenting parties above the age of 18, provided no more than two people are present (!), through the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1968-69 (Bill C-150), which received royal assent on June 27, 1969!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

technically it was, and never was decriminalized!. just like if you serve more than 3 years in federal custody they gotta give you a horse and saddle!. i love trivia and there are tons of laws that are outdated but never removed from the laws or criminal code!. but good luck having your case heard!. even if a lawyer would take it on they would just remand the court date until long after your dead!.buggery was and still is illegal, but rarely if ever are charges laid!. homosexuals fell under the label of mentally ill and were un able to give consent so you could be charged with rape and if they claim to not be a homosexual then it is still sexual interference!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it seems the only country that ever embraced random anal orgy with men and servant boys was ancient Greece in the times future past!.

I think its ridiculous places had laws prohibiting gay activity but then saying "But its not against the law to be gay" that doesn't make sense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com