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Position:Home>History> Can anyone tell me if it is true that Martin Luther King was a Republican?

Question: Can anyone tell me if it is true that Martin Luther King was a Republican!?
I hear both sides!.!.!.and wikipedia states he was!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If he was, that would not be incredible!. Most African Americans followed Republican lines until the Kennedy Years and the Civil Rights movement!. Republicans were the party of the great Emancipator Abraham Lincoln!. Most Southerners were Democrats, more recently called Dixiecrats!. The African Americans took the views of the more "forward" looking Republicans at that time!. In about the 50's & 60's that beagan to change, and since then the African Amereican vote has been almost exclusively Democrat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com