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Position:Home>History> What are 5 significant facts about raphaello sanzio???

Question: What are 5 significant facts about raphaello sanzio!?!?!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Italian painter and architect of the High Renaissance, celebrated for the perfection and grace of his paintings and drawings

2!. Raphael was enormously productive and, despite his early death at thirty-seven, a large body of his work remains, especially in the Vatican

3!. His first documented work was the Baronci altarpiece for the church of Saint Nicholas of Tolentino in Città di Castello, a town halfway between Perugia and Urbino!.

4!. Raphael led a "nomadic" life, working in various centres in Northern Italy, but spent a good deal of time in Florence, perhaps from about 1504!.

5!. Raphael was one of the finest draftsmen in the history of Western art, and used drawings extensively to plan his compositionsWww@QuestionHome@Com