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Position:Home>History> Death by broken back? (Genhis Khan)?

Question: Death by broken back!? (Genhis Khan)!?
I was watching a documentary about Genghis Khan!. and in there it illustrates how he executed his blood brother by "breaking his back"!.

How can a person die from that!? and how would you go one about breaking it!?
here is the video!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A broken back is very similar to a broken neck, the dislocation of a vertebra and severing the spinal column!. There are many ways to break a back (by accident mainly), it is, apparently, possible to break a man's back with a knout – the heavy Russian whip!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can die from a broken legWww@QuestionHome@Com