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Position:Home>History> Primary Source of family disintegration during hippie movement in USA???

Question: Primary Source of family disintegration during hippie movement in USA!?!?!?
I have to make an investigation about the family disintigration during hippie movement in the USA, but can't find a primary source to analyzeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That's because the hippie movement was not the causeof the disintegration of the family!. The "hippie" movement only brought to light this fracture of the traitional family, which had been desolving for years before!.
Check out, a history of marriage!.
it's a book that traces marriage from its eariliest forms, but there are many modern twentieth century sections in the book that deals with family and how it relates to the family!. I know it's not exactly what you're looking for, but it's a start
good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

I disagree with J!.K!. up to a point!. The "hippie movment" brought all kinds of disention out throughout the country!. The Vietnam war was starting and the Hippies started the movments or parades against the war!.
Coming home from 'Nam we were told not to wear our uniforms off base, or we'd be targeted by these people!.
I believe these hillipes took in the runaways and encouraged the younger one to join!. There still is a large movment called the "Rainbows" that live in the Nevada desert!. They encourage all types to come there!.

If, encouraging the young to take part in disorderly conduct, morrally unscrupulous activities, then I have no idea what you'd call it!. I have no time for "Hippies" not after the draft card burning and running away into Canada to avoid the draft!.
It created problems in my family and broke my mothers heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com