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Position:Home>History> What is a great way to start a final paper?

Question: What is a great way to start a final paper!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'd first want to know what the instructor expects, given the general subject!.

Am I demonstrating a grasp of the concepts presented in the course, or am I supposed to come up with something original!?

Say it's a course in History!. I'd want to choose a start and end point, and demonstrate how there's an unbroken chain of events from A to B, such as how the purchase of Manhattan for a handful of beads inevitably led to Little Big Horn, or how the Magna Carta led to the Declaration of Independence!. (I don't know if either premise is valid, those are merely examples)!.

Or a course in Chemistry, I might want to demonstrate that I understood the principles taught in the class by describing some industrial process that used most or all of them!.

If it's a more creative class, like Human Psychology, I might pick some relatively famous names that no one really knows much about (Jesse James, Sir Edmund Hillary, etc) and apply the concepts of the class to explain what made them do the things they did to become famous!.

Any way you look at it, it all starts with knowing what you want to say, based on the course and what the instructor expects!. Some just want you to show you listened to them, some want you to think of something they didn't say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I always start my papers by doing an introduction about what i'm going to be talking about!. I give the reader some brief knowledge of the topic of my essay, and let them know what to expect from it!. That always makes the reader interested to finish reading your paper!.Www@QuestionHome@Com