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Position:Home>History> What all were the ancient chinese people about? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Question: What all were the ancient chinese people about!? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
like what do they do that makes them so unique!?
i have to make a structure kind of explaining what china is known for!. i want to make like a giant teapot with the bottom cut out and when u lift it theres a map of china (kind of like a tray) and then the great wall around it!. then in the middle a temple filled with oragami!. would this be a bad choice!? i dont really know what to do!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
great idea!.

but i think it would be kinda frustrating to make!. but if you have time then it's fine!. As for the temple it would definately be hard to make!. The DETAILS are important!. Intricate shapes and sculptures of chinese buddhist temples are hard!.

some ideas:
- tea leaves
- gold ignots
- dragons
- emperors, concubines
- rice paper
- compass( they invented the compass)
- gunpowder( they invented as well)
- mystical creatures like Nian ( a terrorizing beast on Chinese New Year)Www@QuestionHome@Com