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Position:Home>History> What for nuclear bomb was used on Japan?

Question: What for nuclear bomb was used on Japan!?
At two places of the Japan was attacked by nuclear force!. What is the reson for that act!. Kindly help me to know the Truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To end the Second World War!. many allied lives were saved by the dropping of the bomb, and possibly more Japanese would have died if the war had dragged on much longer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The United States Military's very expensive, impressive, and successful "Manhattan Project" produced a most deadly weapon which changed the nature of how wars were fought!.

Take another killing machine for example: Before World War I, the inventor of the automatic machine gun Hiram Maxim was working on things to help human kind such as better carbon filaments to be used in light bulbs (which he held different patents for spanning several years)!. It wasn't until he attended a Paris Electrical Exhibition did he get the inspiration to give people a more efficient way of killing one another (and the fortune that could be made creating such a weapon)!.

His invention was first adopted by the British military, then later by other European countries!. This allowed for an extremely bloody first World War!. Because both sides fighting had access to similar deadly weapons, the side that suffered more fatalities was more based on protection of their men rather than offensive strategies!.

So naturally, humans were in need of a better killing machine!. One side needed a stronger weapon if victory was to be definite!. The answer came in a letter from Einstein to President Roosevelt!. The Nazi army was working on a way to purify a type of uranium to create an atomic bomb!. So naturally, the USA needed to perfect this technology first!. This was going to be like how the guns and armor of Conquistators crushed arrows and spears of the mesoamericans!.

How the USA chose their sites to flex their "atomic arms" were most vile when you think about it!. Bombs than can turn people closest to the site to dust and that burn the flesh off of living, breathing people were dropped blindly into heavily populated areas!. Not aimed at military bases!. The US suffered great losses at Pearl Harbor, this is how many people try to justify dropping the Atomic Bombs!.

There is a great difference between attacking ships of an opposing military base that has been deemed a threat to your country and attacking civilians with something none of them would be able to have a chance at surviving against toward the end of a conflict!. These acts are by some considered a swift act made to show the US's ability to protect itself!. I see that they just raised the wager, which is seen during the Cold War years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

American school history books told me and others that the US used nuclear (or Atomic) bombs to frighten the Japanese into surrendering so that a million American lives would be spared in an attack on the Japanese main islands!.

In truth, now that I am no longer a school boy or naive of the evil men do in war, I believe that the US killed (murdered) tens of thousands of civilians on purpose 1) to end the war, but more importantly, 2) to alert to the world, especially Russia, that we had and will use mass murder through devastating weapons to secure our country!.

Those bombs created a calculated and effective terrorism letting the world know at the time that we really did have the ability and savagery to literally destroy entire masses of humans!.

Was it wrong!? I'm not sure, and probably never will be!. I do know that since 1945 until now (68 years) that a massive war between that major powers of the world has not taken place!.

Maybe, taking so many lives at one time with only two individual weapons has saved millions since!.

The Truth!?!?!? It's elusive!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was some "real politic" by the US!.

As mentioned above, it ended the war by showing the Japanese that resistance was futile, thus saving lives!. A demonstration bombing of an unimhabited or small island wouldn't have had the same psychological impact as wiping out a couple of cities (both of which BTW, had substantial war industries-Hiroshima in particular was a major arsenal and training area for the Japanese army)!.

It also showed the Russians they had nukes and were not afraid to use them!. Dresden is another example of the Allies letting the Russians know they weren't going to be pushed around after the war!.

It's notnice, but that's the way of the world!. Sorry about that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The truth is: There were 2 groups fighting the world war 2!. England, US, France and Russia v/s Germany, Italy and Japan!. Now it happened that Us was not to be involved in the war and Japan thought it was also a part of the war (Though it was a part yet dormant) an attacked the pearl harbor!. US was secretly developing 2 bombs and after this attack they got angry coz their biggest harbor was destroyed by Japan and they attacked them!. If you want to know more, feel free to contact me: kap_asl_ali@yahoo!.co!.inWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well, Japan was training civilians to fight with sharp sticks!.

America wanted an end to the war!. Had they done it the ''normal'' way and invaded the main island of Japan, many more people would have died, on both sides (including civilians)!.

This was a much better option!. Less people died here, and the war ended!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Japanese were not going to surrender until every last one of them was killed!. The bombs were kind of a demonstration that the US could do this without much trouble!. Considering the extremely bloody struggles for Iwo Jima and Okinawa, the conquest of the islands was estimated to be very costly in terms of combat deaths!. While horrible, the bombs in the long run saved a lot of American AND Japanese lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This question has been answered about 6 times in the last couple of weeks here, so it is time to answer some of the responses:

Several write of the "evil warmongering" etc, etc; Here is the bottom line for all of those "educated beyond their intelligence" types:

Mankind, at least those who survive, will protect themselves by defending their lives from those who attack them!. Anyone who doesn't will DIE or be enslaved!. IF you are of a mind that you don't have to defend yourself YOU are living off the blood of someone who is, or did protect you from someone else!. There is no 'Free ride' when it comes to freedom!. The only modern civilized country that hasn't been involved in a war recently is Switzerland and that is because ALL physically and mentally able men in the country are in the military and train regularly!. They even keep their weapons at HOME were they can get to them quickly!

So! For all of the people out there trying to show their ethical/moral/intellectual superiority by bashing the people who protect you and keep you from being enslaved or forced to convert to some desert religion etc, etc!. You are indeed a very low form of life and I wish we could be more selective in who I and others like me protect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First Japan attacked on Pearl Harbour there after America used nuclear bomb on japanWww@QuestionHome@Com

Its the revenge of AmericaWww@QuestionHome@Com

the brutality of the second world war !. Why you feel sorry 4 them!. Study your history ,What happen at Nanking or Manila!Talk to some one who was alive then!Www@QuestionHome@Com