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Position:Home>History> Poll: who won the WWII?

Question: Poll: who won the WWII!?
I mean, what country contributed more for the victory!?

Just want to know the mass-opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Based on the populations in 1939, the dead of the war represented as a percentage of their population;
USA 0!.32%
UK 0!.94%
Soviet Union 13!.7%
France 1!.35%

and for comparison
Germany 10!.47%
Japan 3!.78%
Japan 1!.02%

Tank production (all types + SPGs)
Soviet Union 105,251
USA 88,410
UK 27,896
Canada 5,678

Germany 46,857
Japan 2,515
Italy 2,473

Aircraft production (all types)
USA 324,750
Soviet Union 157,261
United Kingdom 131,549
Canada 16,431

Germany 189,307
Japan 76,320
Italy 11,122

Artillery production
Soviet Union 516,648
USA 257,390
United Kingdom 124,877
Canada 10,552

Germany 159,147
Japan 13,350

Overwhelmingly the Soviet Union, which country gained most from the war is a different question, two nation’s economies were in boom by the end of the war – USA and Canada, Britain and the Soviet Union were nearly bankrupted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"contributed more"
The United States undoubtedly contributed the "most" in terms of industrial output, armament and money!. Of course, we had by a significant margin the "most" of these things!.
The Soviet Union just as undoubtedly contributed the "most" in terms of human suffering, loss of life, and destruction to their homeland!. Far more than either the United States, UK, or even France!. The typical Soviet view of history was that the United States waited to launch D-DAY until after they were assured that the Soviet Union had won the war!.
The death toll in the United States was about 418 thousand!.
The death toll in the Soviet Union was over 23 million!. The Soviet Union was only about 10% bigger than the USA before the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Big Three: Militarily and economically, the U!.S!., Britain, and Soviet Union were all essential to the Allied victory!.

The Soviets suffered more than any other country, with China coming in at a close second!. Poland and France also contributed greatly and suffered horribly!. Many other countries made contributions that probably sped up the defeat of the Axis, but in the end they were expendable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's really hard to say!. Without any of the big three (USA, USSR, and UK) I don't think the Allies could have won!. Each was a crucial member of the alliance!. If I had to pick one I would pick the USA!. Not so much for the quality of their contribution but for the breadth of it!. They were involved in every aspect of the war, combat, production, lend lease, strategy, technology and largely kept the alliance together!. But as I said, if you take any of those three out of the fight, I think the Axis would have won!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The USA, because of its incredible industrial might!. Plus the women of the USA!. When their men were away fighting, they were building tanks, planes, artillery, etc!. While in Japan and Germany there attitudes were different!. Hitler wanted all his women to produce children for his 1000 years Rich and Japanese women were subservient to men and were not thought to be of any intelligence to do any good in factories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As soon as the US became involved they made a big difference in the conclusion of that war!. Nobody wins in a conflict of such epic proportions, but Japan did surrender, Germany's dictator Hitler killed himself and England and Europe suffered both collateral and human damage!.
The unlikely alliance of the US, Britain and the Soviet Union played a large role in resolving the conflict on a number of fronts!. See article below as this is just a tip of the iceberg!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you look at what happened after the war, I'd say France and Germany as they got a lot of money to rebuild their factories from the U!.S!. Marshall plan!.

The U!.S!. probably contributed more in money and equipment but Great Britain more than likely contributed more in manpower and lost lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the USA paid the most money during the war!. but Britain did most of the work!. They lasted the whole time, while the US joined in later!. So GB, because I said so ^^ and we finished studying WWII =)

I'm Asian-American, not a British =D (Just wanted to let ya know)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably the US and Great Britain contributed the most in lives and armamentWww@QuestionHome@Com

the U!.S, the Soviet Union, and Great Britian contributed the most out of the Allied PowersWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Soviet Union did!. They lost around 30 million citizens fighting Imperial Fascism!. More than any other nation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


The United States of America!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not Germany!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no one!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. we were all losersWww@QuestionHome@Com