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Position:Home>History> Help! I'm writing a short play about the Reign of Terror!!!please help me!!!

Question: Help! I'm writing a short play about the Reign of Terror!!!please help me!!!!!?
In our Drama class our teacher wants us to act out a 2-3 min play about our chosen topic of France (because we're learning about it in history)!. I gathered my group together and we decided to do it on the Reign of Terror!. I just have a problem with making the people recognize the terror felt at the time by the people of France in a mere 2 -3 minutes!. So I would really appreciate some help, suggestions on what I could do!. My group's come up with a few ideas such as continuous killings on the guillotine but we won't be speaking much so we won't get a good mark if we only do that!. Please help! Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
how about a french Nobel man hiding in a peasants house and when the revolutionaries break in to get him they decide to take the eldest son to the guillotine for treason,!.
you surely can emphasize on the parents horror through possible dialogue with the guards!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know the parameters set by your prof!. and I don't know the prof!. personally!. Yet, I have a degree in Theater, and I would do something radically different, while still getting your point across!. Make it a comedy!. In the style of Monty Python and the Spanish Inquisition!. They still got their point across, yet it was hysterical!. So, explain the Reign of Terror through the lens of crazy comedy!. It would be a blast, and people would remember it more over weepy, forced dramatics!. Just a thought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

luckily im doing a report on them! it started when the radicals said that they didnt want a king to overule them!. so they got a french lawer maximellium robespierre to arresst and execute the king queen and the rest of the family!. that period was the reign of terror when if he thought u didnt like the government off went ur head!. many ppl dissagreed at one point and 40,000 were killed and finally the radicals wanted another revolution so off with robespierre's head!. then they decided to have democracy as their government!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Im studying the French Revolution as well in school!. Maybe you could portray something about spies everywhere because that had people whose job it was to watch people to make sure they were supporting the revolution and forigners!. I cant remember the name! But they could be killed by just not outwardly showing support, or complaining about not having enough bread to feed their family that day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How about someone trying to talk to the king about changing his policies and how everyone is starving while the king laughs at them!? lol!.!.!.idk!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com