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Position:Home>History> During 1945 - 1967 what discrimination did Aboriginal Australians face?

Question: During 1945 - 1967 what discrimination did Aboriginal Australians face!?
please help! i need these for my exams!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Aboriginals did not become citizens until 1967, so until then they were not concidered members of Australia!.
They were not allowed to vote, they couldn't fight in any wars!. They could only fight in World War II if they fought with American as African Americans!.
They were told where to live, had their children taken away from them, they had to seek permission to marry!.
After WWII, in some states full rights were given to Aborigines who could show that they were not mixing with tribal people and that they were ‘respectable’ individuals living in the European way!. They received what was called an ‘exemption certificate’ to show that the special laws controlling Aborigines did not apply to them!. Aborigines called the certificates ‘dog licences’!.
They were treated as second class citizens!.
Most lived on reserves under mini-dictators that kept a close watch on the people living there!. In began to ease up in the 1960s except in Queensland!.
Hope that helps a little! Its disgusting when you think about that was not that long a time ago!. Nothing would have changed either if the treatment of the Jews in WWII hadnt made racism such a big deal in the world, and the treatment of Aborigines hadn't come into light, nothing might have changed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com