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Position:Home>History> What is patronage and what role did it play in the Renaissance?

Question: What is patronage and what role did it play in the Renaissance!?
Can you relate it to something we have today so I can better understand!? Do we even have anything like it today!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Michael" has it right!. I might add that patronage was crucial in the period of the Renaissance because people could easily starve without a means of support!. There was no social security or significant poor relief other than the Catholic Church (which was the only Christian Church in western Europe before 1517 and Martin Luther)!. Artists such as Michaelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci were absolutely dependent on wealthy patrons!. If there has not been excess wealth in Italy during the 1300s, 1400s, and early 1500s - - there would not have been of rebirth of thinking and artistic accomplishment!. Only people with financial support can spend all of their time writing, composing, painting, sculpting, and so on!.

Today artists can be commercially successful with public patronage in the form of people buying albums or paintings!. Patronage by the wealthy is more limited to the fine arts which do not have as much public soupport such as perhaps ballet and symphonies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Patronage, also known as "The Spoils System", rewards the winning political party's supporters with appointments to public office!. Too often, the appointees are not even qualified for the job!. But in this system what is important is the appointee's work for the party!. William L!. Marcy, a senator from New York, exemplified this when in 1832 he said "to the victors belong the spoils of the enemy!."
I am sure that this also took place during the Renassance!. In "Dante's Inferno" many of the people in his book belonged to the opposite political party - the Black Guelf!.
This "one hand washes the other system" still exists today!. Usually, these "slaves to the party" are given positions as ambassabors to some remote country where they can not do too much damage!. As a rule, they have a lot of dedication but little gray matter (brains)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Patronage is a wealthy person who pays an artist to paint or someone to write and play music and make statues or any other type of art!. And yes it still happens to this day wealthy people still support the arts this way and you will find this happening all over the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

patronage is when rich people commissioned artists to make sculptures or paintings for them!.!.!.during the Renaissance, individuals were the patrons, but in the medieval times, the Church was the main patronWww@QuestionHome@Com