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Position:Home>History> What was Gandhi famous for?

Question: What was Gandhi famous for!?
I know about him freeing India from the British rule but I need to know more!. Its for a religion project

How did Gandhi show characteristics of Jesus !? (i know he wasnt catholic but it doesnt matter)

How is he a good example to follow based on his dedications of helping people and promoting peace!.

I need to know how exactly he promoted peace and what he did to free India!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Gandhi promoted peace for using non-violence as a tactic against the British rule!. When the abuses of the English were reported to a waiting world and were resisted w/o violence, it encouraged empathy and understanding from the world!. Although an Hindi, he described himself as a follower of all religions!. He didn't say that Indians would not make mistakes in self-governing, they just wanted to govern themselves as a free and independent people!. He perhaps showed characteristics of Jesus by showing how each of us should treat our neighbors and expect to be treated by others as well!. He promoted peace by being peaceful!. If people do not fear you, then people can get along and life is better for all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he lead a simple life and non violence movement and love all the people irrespective of religion and caste!.Www@QuestionHome@Com