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Position:Home>History> What were the civilizations from classical greeks to the midievil period.?

Question: What were the civilizations from classical greeks to the midievil period!.!?
any web sites or information from you would help thnx!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Classical Greek history lasted from 750 BC to 146 BC, with the Roman conquest!.

The Middle Ages can arguably slowly begin 400–476 AD with the sackings of Rome by the Visigoths to the deposing of Romulus Augustus!.
But it wasn't until 1453–1517 with the Fall of Constantinople, and the Holy Roman Empire that the Medieval Times we know began!.!.!.!. so I am beginning there!.

That's several thousand years to cover!. Here's a few!.

The Empire of Alexander the Great!.
The Roman Empire
The Holy Roman Empire!.
The Normans!.
The Vikings!.
The Danes!.
The Britons!.
The Persian Empire!.
The Aztecs!.
The Mayans!.
The Incas!.
The Saxons!.
The Angles
The Vandals
The Mongols!.
The Visigoths
The Gauls!.
The Franks!.
The Irish Celts!.
The Scottish Celts!.
The Picts!.
The Berbers!.
The Moors!.
The Hebrews!.

Here is few for you to begin with!. There are plenty more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So!.!.!.classical greek history begins around 500BC!.!.!.not 776BC (this is the archaic period, not the classical period)!.!.!.!.the medieval times and middle ages are THE SAME!!!
Middle ages are considered to have began with these occasions:
375 - the invasions of Huns
392 - Christianity declared the official religion of Roman Empire
395 - the division of Roman Empire
476 - fall of Rome
622 - Islam
It differs in various parts of the world

and medieval times end:
1453 - fall of Constantinople
1492 - ''discovery'' of America by Columbus (many before him had sailed there, but his discovery actually started something important)

So!.!.!.!.peoples like Britons and Celts aren't considered civilisations by historians!.!.!.so between circa 500BC-1500AD, I can think of these:
Greek and Hellenistic
European Medieval Feudal (it's pointless to divide them into the states!.!.!.it's the same)
Mongol (probably the most developed to that time)
Viking (yes they did have civilisation!.!.!.!.they knew the actual position of heart in human body in dark ages!.!.!.those Christian genii learned it in 18th century!!!!.!.!.they were the best sea-farers, had traded with Arabs since 6th century (archaeological evidence!.!.!.coins etc!)!.!.!.gave the name to Russia, their architecture could compete with anything in the rest of Europe, their arts were on a very high level and so on)

the list goes on!.!.!.if it's homework, this must be enough!.Www@QuestionHome@Com