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Position:Home>History> 2 questions about world war II????

Question: 2 questions about world war II!?!?!?!?
1!. What was the effect of WWII on the unemployment rate in the United States!? (did they go up!? down!? i dunno, and can't find any info on this)


2!. What were the two aims of rationing in Britain!? What (slightly ironic) effect did this have on the people, and what effect did it have on morale!? (i'm pretty sire that the effect was bad, lol, but what is the answer about rationing Britian and te effect on the people!?!?!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
During World War II there was practically no unemployment!. Everyone who wanted to work was either in the military or, as in the case of many women, working at home to keep the food, airplanes, ships, tanks, etc!. rolling off the assembly line!. Women, old men, and men with physical limitations also had to keep the "normal" economy going!. The folks at home needed to replace the farmers, truck drivers, steel makers, road repairers, etc!. who were away fighting the war!.

Rationing was necessary for pretty similar reasons!. There were fewer people available to grow food and make things and a huge percentage of those people weren't making consumer goods; they were producing war goods!. I'm sure that people complained about shortages and rationing but most understood that if they didn't ration at home, their husbands and fathers would die from starvation or from lack of weapons to fight with!.

I would say that not seeing your loved ones while they were off risking their lives probably hurt morale much more than not having as much tea as you might like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

WWII basicly brought us out of the depression! The army needed supplies, which created jobs, especially for women and the uneducated!. It doesn't take much book learning to work on a conveyor belt!.

I'm don't know much about the rationing in Britain, sorry!. Hope I helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the effect was great for the american economy it brought jobs to women and lower class people!.

and the rationing in britain was to help out there people but supplying them with coupons for food, it wasnt a bad effect it did work the britian rationing didnt end until 1950'sWww@QuestionHome@Com