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Position:Home>History> Did any of the British and American Soldiers ended up in German concentration ca

Question: Did any of the British and American Soldiers ended up in German concentration camps during WW2!?
Esp!. in Auschwitz!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Look up Sergeant Major Charles Coward who was the leader of the prisoners at the Auschwitz POW camp which was only miles from the concentration camp!.

His affidavit to the Nuremburg War Crimes trial makes grim reading

SAS, SBS, commando and paratroop troops were placed in the concentration camp, although special forces soldiers were to be killed at the point of capture by German troops under Hitler’s Kommandobefehl (Commando Order)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Soldiers would generally have ended up in POW camps, not concentration camps!. Certainly many British -- and Canadian -- soldiers were prisoners of war, and Americans, but not as many because they entered the war in Europe much later!. Shamefully, when the Allied forces landed in Normandy and attacked the Germans in Occupied France, many of them who were captured were not taken prisoner -- they were summarily executed on the spot!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not that I heard!. I understand the Germans respected the Geneva convention rules and treated POW's as expected!. They did at least for British and American forces!. I also understand they recognized the English as largely Saxon and Norse descended (which they were)!. That may have influenced them!.

I'm not sure they treated Slavic POW's so well, but I heard many Russian POW's didn't want to be sent home!. That was mostly because they feared being shot for letting themselves be captured!. At least they weren't treated so bad they were willing to take the risk!.

Barbara mentions shooting prisoners!. That's done on all sides!. I don't excuse it but, if you have only enough soldiers for the mission and less will risk that mission, you can't spare any to escort prisoners!. That's one of the harsh realities of "the real world" as I call it!. That's the world that exists beneath the ivory towers in which we spoiled and sheltered post-WWII Americans were raised!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

have to agree with Barbara!.

There were Canadian and U!.S!. some Native Indians and some of the the Black troops as well!. In the Government did want to recognize then for the service for their country!. It only now that it coming out !. From the first and second world war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is a specific answer to this one!.

Officers of elite forces such as British Parachute regiment and Royal Marines were either shot or sent to the concentration camp at Buchenwald after the raid on Dieppe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com