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Position:Home>History> Need some help with questions for Act 2 of Julius Caesar.?

Question: Need some help with questions for Act 2 of Julius Caesar!.!?
1!. What reasons does Brutus give for killing Caesar!?
2!. How do Brutus' comments about the serpent's egg help explain his thoughts about killing Caesar!? In what ways is his analogy faulty or illogical!?
3!. What does the writer of the letter that Lucius finds urge Brutus to do!? What inferences can you draw from the way Brutus fills in these gaps!?
4!. What two changes does Brutus recommend in the assassination plan!? What can you tell about the relationship between Brutus and the others from the responses to the recommendations!?
5!. Why does Brutus decide to join the conspirators!?
6!. Compare the ways Calpurnia and Decius interpret dreams to try to influence Caesar's decision about going to the capitol!? What do you learn about Caesar's character based on his reactions to Calpurnia and Decius!?
7!. How might an unwillingness to seem weak lead some people to take unnecessary risks!?

Thanks to whoever answers these!. It'll be a big help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Okay I read this book this year but I can't fully remember everything, I will try the best I can!.

1!. I think one reason was that he thought that was what the people wanted!. also because he had this feeling that all Caesar wanted was power!.
2!. Sorry can't remember!.!.!.!.
3!. I think that it urges Brutus to kill Caesar!. See letters were being thrown at his door, threw his window, and everything, and it was all from the conspirators!. These letters seemed as though they were from the villagers, so he thought that killing Caesar was what the villagers were asking him to do!. I think :)
4!. Something about an oath, you probably should look this up because I can't fully remember!.
5!. He decides to join for the villagers!.!.!.I think!.
6!. don't remember
7!. Well even though people warned him not to go (like his wife) pretty much begged him, he didn't want to seem weak and afraid by not going!. Which by going he got himself killed!. He was even warned by that one scary thing that showed up it the beginning of the play, which name I cannot remember!.

I suggest looking up some summaries!.!.!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com