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Position:Home>History> These questions are about the tuskegee airmen.?

Question: These questions are about the tuskegee airmen!.!?
Why were the tuskegee airmen started!?Why were they discriminated against!?How many of them were there!? Hpw long did they fight for!?Why were they called the Tuskegee airmen!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They were called the Tuskegee Airmen because their squadron was formed and trained in Tuskegee, Alabama!. They were started because the army (the air force was then the Army Air Corps) needed pilots and blacks were still segregated from the whites in the army (as with much of the rest of America) at that time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They were all black men so the military thought they should be segregated into their own company!. They were discriminated against because they were "colored"!. That's what they were called at that time back in the 40s!. They were called the Tuskegee airmen because they trained at Tuskegee, Alabama!.

Read the article at the site below for more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They were called the Tuskegee Airmen because that is where they were trained to fly!. Tuskegee Alabama!.Www@QuestionHome@Com