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Position:Home>History> What was the New Deal? 10 points best answerer!! :)?

Question: What was the New Deal!? 10 points best answerer!! :)!?
What was the new deal!? I know it was FDR's plan to to do this but what is it!. Thank you!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Funny i just learned this on Wednesday, the New Deal was a plan by FDR to get the United States out of the Depression!. It created several programs such as the TVA (Tennessee Vally Authority), Social Security Act, and the IRS(International Revenue Service)!. These programs helped the cycle of money to keep on moving so factories,workers, and banks could get money!. Keep in mind every New Deal program is relevant to the phrase "pump priming" which forces the flow of money!. Hope i helped! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

The new deal was to change the U!.S!. government's negative attitude towards the economy (by negative i mean "free trade", dont help the economy because its slumping, etc) and making it into a more positive one (pumping money into the economy to stimulate it)!. This whole new deal thing redefined what the gov't is supposed to do as far as protecting the country!. not only did it need to protect its borders, it also needed to protect its government!. if you need a list of the specific things FDR actually did, look it up!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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i agree, we shoodent be telling u how to do ur own hwWww@QuestionHome@Com