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Position:Home>History> In 2003, did the find anything in iraq?

Question: In 2003, did the find anything in iraq!?
In 2003, it was discovered that Iraq:
a!. had the second-largest arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in the world!.
b!. used some of its chemical weapons against the U!.S!. and allied forces, such as England!.
c!. had almost developed an effective nuclear device and the means to deliver it!.
d!. apparently never had large numbers of WMDs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Just before "Shock and Awe" (bombing of the capital city: Baghdad) the U!.N!. inspectors were ordered out of Iraq in mid-March 2003 when the Bush-Cheney administration declared it would invade from outposts in Kuwait and topple the Saddam & sons regime then holding Iraq's population under its figurative "thumbs"

during April - Dec!. 2003 "they" (the U!.S!. and coalition forces) did find