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Position:Home>History> What happen in the cold war?

Question: What happen in the cold war!?
plz help me i need the information for a skool essyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Actually the "Cold War" led to two indirect shooting wars between the two super powers!. Korea and Vietnam!. It also influenced many pure regional conflicts world wide!. We or the USSR usually supplied and allied with one side or another!. Both of us encouraged resistance movements and rebellions!. There were numerous minor military related skirmishes between the USA and USSR, usually aircraft shoot downs!. I was working for a major defense contracter when the Cold War ended!. I still remember something I never thought I would see, or any of the rest of us!. Our Division president driving a company golf cart down our production line with three Russian engineers and a Russian field marshall in full uniform and medals down our production line!. We all turned to stare!. The engineers were just the enemy variant of us and were technically chattering, excited!. But the field marshall looked as defeated as any Nazi at end of WWII without the mud and signs of open combat!. He had never seen anything like it!. They could produce roughly equeal weapon systems, but nothing like our quality and efficent production rate!. It felt good!. I knew I would soon be out of work, but it felt good!. All my adult life I had been involved in defense one way or another, and we had won!.!.!.!.!.!.I knew it meant hard times for me awhile but I also knew there would be another enemy and other wars!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Cold War was the period of conflict, tension and competition between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies from the mid-1940s until the early 1990s!. Throughout this period, the rivalry between the two superpowers unfolded in multiple arenas: military coalitions; ideology, psychology, and espionage; sports; military, industrial, and technological developments, including the space race; costly defence spending; a massive conventional and nuclear arms race; and many proxy wars!.

There was never a direct military engagement between the US and the Soviet Union, but there was half a century of military buildup as well as political battles for support around the world, including significant involvement of allied and satellite nations in proxy wars!. Although the US and the Soviet Union had been allied against Nazi Germany, the two sides differed on how to reconstruct the postwar world even before the end of World War II!. Over the following decades, the Cold War spread outside Europe to every region of the world, as the US sought the "containment" of communism and forged numerous alliances to this end, particularly in Western Europe, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia!. There were repeated crises that threatened to escalate into world wars but never did, notably the Berlin Blockade (1948-1949), the Korean War (1950-1953), the Vietnam War (1959-1975), the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962), and the Soviet-Afghan War (1979-1989)!. There were also periods when tension was reduced as both sides sought détente!. Direct military attacks on adversaries were deterred by the potential for mutual assured destruction using deliverable nuclear weapons!.
The Cold War drew to a close in the late 1980s following Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev's summit conferences with United States President Ronald Reagan, as well as Gorbachev's launching of reform programs: perestroika and glasnost!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

k the simplest answer is!.!.!.
the yalta then potsdam conference: russia did not want democratic elections
berlin wall made by khruschev in order to separate east from west
between russia and united states
marshall plan: west economic aid to berlinWww@QuestionHome@Com

following WW2, nuclear arms race between united states and soviet union that fortunately did not actually lead to anything but a huge supply of weapons!.

military power struggle!. ended in 1991

look on wikipedia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com