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Position:Home>History> North Dakota, South Dakota? It's all Dakota to me...?

Question: North Dakota, South Dakota!? It's all Dakota to me!.!.!.!?
Okay I know West Virginia and Virginia split during the early conflicts that eventually summed up to the American Civil War when West Virginia didn't want to secede while Virginia joined the Confederation!.

However, why is there a North Carolina and a South Carolina!? Same thing for North Dakota and South Dakota!? Why not just one big state for each called Carolina and Dakota (respectively)!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Regarding the Dakotas: (quote from Wikipedia)

"Dakota Territory was divided into the states of North Dakota and South Dakota on November 2, 1889!. The admission of two states, as opposed to one, was done for a number of reasons!. The two centers of population in the territory were in the northeast and southeast corners of the territory, several hundred miles away from each other!. On a national level, there was pressure from the Republican Party to admit the two states rather than one to add political power in the Senate!."

And the Carolinas:

"The Province of Carolina from 1663 to 1712, was a North American British proprietary colony, controlled by eight English noblemen including Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury!. Dissent over governance of the province led to the appointment of a deputy governor to administer the northern half of the colony in 1691!. The division between North and South became complete in 1712, but both colonies remained in the hands of the same group of proprietors!. A rebellion against the proprietors broke out in 1719 which led to the appointment of a royal governor for South Carolina in 1720!. After nearly a decade in which the British government sought to locate and buy out the proprietors, both North and South Carolina became royal colonies in 1729!."Www@QuestionHome@Com