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Position:Home>History> Would the world be better today if the united states was still apart of great br

Question: Would the world be better today if the united states was still apart of great britain!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Britain's involvement in foreign affairs in the first half of the 20th century was just as shoddy (especially in the Middle East) as the USA's has been in more recent times, so I don't think we can suddenly claim that everything would be hunky-dory if we were still the Superpower of the world!. Anyway, I think even without the American Revolution, they'd have become independant sooner or later, just as Australia, Canada, India and almost every other former colony has!. The only difference would be that they'd be able to thrash everybody in the Commonwealth Games as well as the Olympics, so no, the world wouldn't be better!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Impossible to say!. Just possibly!.
Slavery ended sooner in the US with no, or a much shorter, civil war!? (add the British navy or army divisions to the North!.!.!.)
WW1 ending a year or more earlier as American manpower, deployed before the collapse of Russia,would have been decisive!.
And with a more severely beaten Germany, who knows, from there!.!.!?
The British Empire would have been larger and, I suspect, the retreat from it slower, as Britain would not have been so financially ruined by two world wars!.
But at some point the USA would have acquired the same status as Canada or Australia!.
Hmm!. It might have made a union with Canada more likely!

Harry Harrison wrote a light SF tale: "A Transatlantic Tunnel, Hurrah!" set in a 1973 where America was still a colony of Great Britain, and where, though nuclear powered trains exist, Victorian moral and social values have not faded!. (URL)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very interesting!.!.!. I once came across something similar:
what would have happened if Henry V had been crowned king of France and England!?
Some historians argued that the monarch would have probably moved is capital over the Channel to Paris, as the french city was then larger than London!. It would certainly have been a huge power to be reckoned with!.
In the case of England and the USA it is a bit more complexe however the growing economic and demographic weight of America would certainly have made it a tough challenge to London!.
A better world!? Maybe just a world under British domination!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No,but if america had stayed under british rule for another 100 years!.Than it would be a kinder,softer country,as england developed a more humane democracy later on!.The president was made to be like our queen,a person with too much personal power,we moved on and they didn't!.Canada is a vastly superior country as it's institutions are better suited to tolerant societyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Thank you Cobra - your thoughts are much appreciated!.

No definitely NOT

Without us giving you home rule, we would not be encouraged to hop on a plane for shopping and you dear US citizens would not be able to fly to England to spend all your lovely dollars here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. They we british could not boast that we have better leaders than america!. Even though gordon brown is a total ****, he isn't as bad a george bush!. Bush can't even count how long the queen has ruled for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I think it would be, the Americans would be brought up with British values which would be a good thing, and maybe it would mean they wouldn't have butchered our beautiful language so much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good grief, no!. I don't want to be ruled by George W Bush!! Gordon Brown certainly ain't great, but at least he has a brain cell!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Does it mean we would still have to have George Bush in a role of power if we were both still together!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

definately not!

our population would be minus a good few soldiersWww@QuestionHome@Com

No!.!.The Liberals would need to find someone else to blame for the state of the worldWww@QuestionHome@Com

No - Britain is rubbish now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com