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Position:Home>History> Facts about the islam religion ?

Question: Facts about the islam religion !?
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The founder of this religion was Muhammad, an Arabian camel driver from Mecca, Saudi Arabia!. The sacred text of this religion is the Qur'an, Hadith and Five Pillars of Islam!. It's the second largest religion in the world (Christianity being the first largest)!. The religion is worshiped in a 'mosque' and the purpose of Islam is to submit to the will of Allah and attain paradise after death!.

This religion is beautiful and honorable and is unfortunately tainted by ignorant views and extremist fools (which are present in ALL religions)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Belief in one God, prayer 5 times a day, fasting, going to Mecca once in a lifetime journey called Haj and helping poor by 2!.5% tax on goods/earning called zakat are 5 basic tenents of Islam!. There is concept of afterlife, heaven and hell!.Quran consisting of words of God is the holy book and this religion was propogated by Prophet Muhammmad!. Islam recognises previous religions like christianity and judaism and asks believers to respect other prophets like Christ, Moses, Abraham etc as much as Muhammad!. However idol worship is forbidden in islam!. Then there is concept of Jihad!. Actually Jihad is not only about fighting others it,s more than that!. Self-control, getting education( not necessarily religious one), respecting parents are also forms of Jihad which have precedence over military fighting!. Suicide is forbidden and those idiots who blow themselves up killing innocent people go to hell not heaven!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a religion cant b explaind by a mail!.if u read quran then u'll know that whatever allah wrote in it thousands of years ago is becoming true!.mohammed(sm)divided the moon 2 prove allah is true which neil armostrong saw when he reached the moon n became musalman!.there r many amazing things i wanna tell u!.PLZ CHECK islamcan!.com n then u'll know something about islam!.if u can then read the quran it is available in english too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

god!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.jesus!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.moses!.!.!.!.!.!.noa!.!.!. moreWww@QuestionHome@Com