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Position:Home>History> Compare and Contrast: the post-war peace-building following WWI and WWII?

Question: Compare and Contrast: the post-war peace-building following WWI and WWII!?
Compare attempts at post-war peace-building following the First and Second World Wars!.

Specifically, if the diplomats who brought WW II to a close were more successful than those at Versailles in establishing a lasting peace, was this a reflection of superior judgment!?

Review the decisions and historical factors you believe most important in explaining these outcomes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
that the allies were lenitent post-wwii is a myth, germany was dismembered, ceased to exist, by comparison the versailles settlement was lenient!.

the reason that the post-wwii settlement was more successful than the paris peace conference was that the peace makers did not try to use a single large meeting to solve the worlds problems!. everything was done separately, by people who understood to a greater extent than in 1919 local intricacies!. the final settlement after wwii with germany did not happen until the 1990's, russia and japan still have not technically signed a peace treaty, they still bicker over the lower kuril islands, an issue left over from 1945!. the men who came up with the peace in 1919 were in an impossible position, given the circumstances the settlement that came out was possible the best that could be hoped for, therefore it would be unfair to say that the wwii peace makers exercised superior judgement, more they just learned from the mistakes of their predecessors, who did the best they could in the circumstances!. the lesson would appear to be that unitary settlements for global problems are fraught with danger, and difficult to maintain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Obviously this can be an entire 20 page paper in itself, but bottom line, after WWI, all the countries on the winning side (US, England, etc!.) wanted Germany to pay for the way!.!.!.!. what I mean by that is admit fault, and I believe (you'd have to look it up), actually pay in terms of their economy for causing the war!. This caused Germany to become unstable and economically depressed and in those types of countries, you are just looking for any kind of leader (ahem, Hitler) to come forth and lead the people back to success and happiness!. This is what happened!. Punishment = rise of Hitler!.

After WWII, the Marshall Plan (again, I'm referencing something from a while ago, you'll have to verify) basically took Germany and Japan and did not punish them for their actions!. Well, they could no longer have their own military, but basically, they were rebuilt by the Allies and taken under our wing!. This is why we have bases there even today!. We became their ally after WWII and their caretaker to bring them back to prosperity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The reparations were the major killer for the peace after WW1!. That really stuck in Germany's craw!. And the US went isolationist instead of joining (a resultingly weak) League of Nations!.

After WW2, the Allies were much more magnanimous to the defeated Axis powers because they needed Germany and Japan as allies against the communist threat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com