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Position:Home>History> What were the typical activities/hobb

Question: What were the typical activities/hobbies/interests of women in the 1910s!?
I have to make a women's magazine that is pertinent for the years 1914-1920 for a history project, and I'm trying to figure out what kind of material to put in it!. Basically, I haven't been able to find the hobbies of women in the 1910s!. If you have any ideas, that would be great! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
needle point (sewing in general)

singing, you can put sheet music in there, like an advertisement, to go out and buy a whole copy!.

newest fashion trends!.!.!. talk about boston or new york society and what women were wearing!.

practal advices, like old Dr!. remidies!.!.!.

something about life on the frontier!.!.!. because the lousiana purchase was in 1803!.!.!. but people were still migrating in the 1900sWww@QuestionHome@Com

Find a catalog from that time, like from Montgomery Ward or Pennys or something!. TONS of ideas there for everyday products for the women of that period!.Www@QuestionHome@Com