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Position:Home>History> What was the Watergate crisis?

Question: What was the Watergate crisis!?
What was the Watergate crisis!? Why was the scandal so cold!? What precipitated it!? Why did the scandal happen!? When did it end!? Who were the primary people involved!? Who broke the story to the American public!? Who was deep throat!? What evidence existed that Nixon was guilty!? What was the most incrimidating aspect of the white house tapes!? Why was the scandal called Watergate!? How did the crisis end!? How did the Watergate crisis change US History!? What impact did the Watergate crisis have on America and Americans!? How major was this event to our history!? Give some details on deep throat!. Why is deep throat called deep throat!? I need sources please!. Good, understandable, reliable, comprehensible sources!. Not just Wikipedia!. I'm studying American history for the first time, and make your answer as detailed as possible but easy to understand!. Don't use advanced vocabulary please! This is my first major report/interview I have to do for my class!. So help me please! Answer as many !?'s!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Watergate crisis was a series of scandals occurring during the Nixon administration in which members of the executive branch organized illegal political espionage against their perceived opponents and were charged with violation of the public trust, bribery, contempt of Congress, and attempted obstruction of justice!. The primary people that were involved were Nixon, and his administrative workers!. The Watergate crisis changed US History by president Nixon being the first US president to ever resign!. This was a major event to our history, not just our American History, but our political history and American government also!. Deep throat is W!. Mark Felt!. The scandal was called Watergate because the robbery took place at the Watergate hotel on June 17, 1972 in Washington, DC!. Five men robbed Watergate and hotwired/wired stuff and copied documents illegally!. They were then arrested and caught on seen due to the security guard catching them in the act!. This scandal did indeed change presidential history, and the lives of many Americans who followed president Nixon and were for him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You demand reliable sources and yet you ask this question on yahoo answers, which is probabily more subjective than Wikipedia!. As a college student for whom this would be unacceptable I am offended by your demand!. This is not difficult to find info on, go ask a librarian, go to the library and do your own research like everybody else!. I don't care if it is your 'first time', you should know better than this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Austin B is right - you really have a hide to ask people on Yahoo Answers to pretty much write your paper for you!. Imagine if you were at school before the Internet, like I was!. Oh my!!!! What would you have done then!? Actually done some !.!.!.!.!. gulp !.!.!.!.!.!. SCHOOLWORK!?!?

Your paper is on something very easy!. Imagine if it was something difficult!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Poland tried to build a "Watergate" so Germany couldn't invade!. This led to the "Watergate Crisis" in which Germany blitzed the polishWww@QuestionHome@Com

Oh gosh!. Well basically the committee to re-elect the president (nixon) hired 5 people (former CIA's) called " the plumbers" to break into the democratic headquarters and try to get some dirt on the democrats!. At first it looked like a normal break in and Nixon was elected president!. Eventually Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein (washington post) unveiled the whole story (after like 3 years of investigation)!. They had statements from people working in the committee to re-elect the president, I think a confession from a plumber, documents showing that the committee paid the plumbers, AND footege of Nixon talking about the break in inside the oval office (that was the big thing because it was just him pretty much admitting to doing it because of all the things he said)!. After that Nixon became the first pres!. to resign!. He was SUPPOSED to be impeached but he was pardoned (everyone hated Ford for that)!. I don't know why it was called the watergate, I guess because the robbers were called the plumbers!? Deep throat was William Felt (head of the FBI)!. He felt so terrible for being the snitch and knew that it was a HUGE risk to tell but he told Woodward what happened!.

We learned about the story in journalism!. It started a new era of journalists working to uncover the truth and the official end to yellow journalism!. It also put the presidents under more watchfull surveillance and they couldnt just do what they wanted anymore!.Www@QuestionHome@Com